NCERT Solution Class 6 Science Chapter 1

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NCERT Solution of Class 6 Science Chapter 1– Food: Where Does It Come From ?

The topics and Sub Topics in Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food Where Does It Come From are –
Section Name Topic Name
1 Food: Where Does It Come Form ?
1.1Food Variety
1.2Food Materials And Sources
1.3Plants Parts And Animal Products As Food
1.4Plant parts as food
1.5What Do Animals Eat ?

Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Textbook Questions Solved


Q 1. Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?

Ans :      No, all living beings do not need same kind of food. Different living being have different food habit.

Q 2. Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

Ans : List of five plants and their parts that we eat :-

                Name of Plant                   Parts that we eat

                (1) spinach                          leaves

                (2) carrot                             root

                (3) wheat                            seed

                (4) apple                             fruit

                (5) mustard                        seed

Q 3. Match the items given in column A with those in column B.

Ans :

Column A

Column A

Milk, curd, paneer, ghee,

are all animal

Spinach, cauliflower, carrot,

are vegetables

Lions and Tigers

eat other animals


eat plant and plant products

Q 4. Fill up the blanks with the words given:

                herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore.

                (a) Tiger is a__________ because it eats only meat.

                (b) Deer eats only plant products and so is called______________ .

                (c) Parrot eats only__________

                (d) The_________ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.

                (e) We get sugar from___________ .

Ans:       (a) carnivore      (b) herbivore       (c) plant             (d) milk                 (e) sugarcane

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