NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes


The topics and Sub Topics in Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 2– Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes are:

SectionTopic Name
2 Globe : Latitudes and Longitudes
2.1Important Parallels of Latitudes
2.2Heat Zones of the Earth
2.3What are Longitudes ?
2.4Longitude and Time
2.5Why do we have standard time ?
Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Textbook Questions Solved


Q 1- Answer the following questions briefly.

(a)  What is the true shape of the earth?

Ans –  True shape of the earth is Geoid. Which means it is slightly flattened at the North and the South poles and bulge in the middle.

(b) What is a globe?

Ans – Globe is a true model (miniature form) of the earth.

(c) What is the latitudinal value of the Tropic of cancer?

Ans – Latitudinal value of the Tropic of cancer is 23½o N.

(d) What are the three heat zones of the Earth?

Ans –  Three heat zones of the earth are :-

  1. i) Torrid zone – Very hot
  2. ii) Temperate zone – Moderate temperature

                iiii)          Frigid zones – Very cold.

(e) What are the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude?

Ans – Parallels of latitude – All parallel circles running from the equator to the poles are parallels of latitude.
Meridians of Longitude – Imaginary lines of reference running from the North pole to the South pole are known as Meridians of longitude.

(f)  Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat?

Ans :  The torrid zone receives maximum amount of heat because at least once a year, the sun remains exactly overhead on all latitudes between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

(g)  Why is it 5.30 pm in India and 12.00 noon in London?

Ans :  India is located east of Greenwich at 82½o longitude. This means Indian time will be ahead of Greenwich time by one hour for every 15o Longitude. Thus as per calculations, it will be 5.30 pm in India when it is 12 noon in London.

Q 2- Tick the correct answers.

(a)  The value of the prime meridian is

(i) 90° (ii) 0° (iii) 60°

Ans –      (ii) 0°

(b) The frigid zone lies near

 (i) the Poles (ii) the Equator (iii) the Tropic of Cancer

Ans –      (i) the Poles

(c) The total number of longitudes are

 (i) 360 (ii) 180 (iii) 90

Ans –      (i) 360

(d) The Antarctic circle is located in

                (i) the Northern hemisphere

                (ii) the Southern hemisphere

                (iii) the Eastern hemisphere

Ans –      (ii) the Southern hemisphere

(e) Grid is a network of

                (i) parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitudes

                (ii) the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

                (iii) the North Pole and the South Pole

Ans –      (i) parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitudes

Q 3- Fill in the blanks.

                (a) The Tropic of Capricorn is located at _________________.

                (b) The Standard Meridian of India is ____________________.

                (c) The 0° Meridian is also known as ____________________.

                (d) The distance between the longitudes decreases towards___________.

                (e) The Arctic Circle is located in the ____________ hemisphere.

Ans :-

(a)          23½o S

(b)          82½o E

(c)           the prime meridian

(d)          the poles

(e)          northern

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