NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Social Science Chapter 1 Environment

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NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Social Science Chapter 1 Environment

The topics and Sub Topics in Class 7 Geography Social Science Chapter 1 Environment are:
SectionTopic Name
1 Components of Environment
1.1Natural Environment
1.2Domains of Environment (Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere)
1.3What is Ecosystem ?
1.4Human Environment

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Social Science Chapter 1 Textbook Questions Solved


Q 1- Answer the following questions.

(i) What is an ecosystem?

Ans :-   It is interaction of all the plants and animals in a particular area together with their surrounding.

(ii)   What do you mean by natural environment?

Ans :-   Natural environment comprises natural resources like land, water, air plants and animals.

(iii)  Which are the major components of the environment?

Ans :-   There are three major components of the environment, these are :-

a) Natural – Air, water, land etc.

b) Human made – roads, buildings, parks etc.

c) Human beings – Individual, family, community etc.

iv) Give four examples of human made environment.

Ans:-    Four examples of human made environment are :-

a) Roads

b) Buildings

c) Bridges

d) Industries

v) What is lithosphere?

Ans :-    The solid crust of the earth which includes various land forms such as mountains, plateaus, plains etc is called lithosphere.

vi) Which are the two major components of biotic  environment?

Ans :-    Two major components of biotic environment are

a) Plants

b) Animals

vii)  What is biosphere?

Ans :-    It is a narrow zone of the earth where land, air and water interact with one another to support life.

Q 2- Tick the correct answer.

i) Which is not a natural ecosystem?

(a) Desert

(b) Aquarium

(c) Forest.          

ii) Which is not a component of the human environment?

(a) Land

(b) Religion

(c) Community.

iii)  Which is a human-made environment?

(a) Mountain

(b) Sea

(c) Road.

iv) Which is a threat to the environment?

(a) Growing plant

(b) Growing population

(c) Growing crops.

Ans:-     (i)—(b), (ii)—(a), (iii)—(c), (iv)—(b).

Q 3- Match the following:

               (i) Biosphere                      (a) blanket of air which surrounds the earth

                (ii) Atmosphere                (b) domain of water

                (iii) Hydrosphere              (c) gravitational force of the earth

                (iv) Environment              (d) our surroundings

                                                            (e) narrow zone where the land water and the air interacts

                                                             (f) relation between the organisms and their surroundings


                (i)            _______             (e)

                (ii)           _______             (a)

                (iii)          _______             (b)

                (iv)         _______             (d)

Q 4- Give reasons.

(i)           Man modifies his environment.

Ans:-     Man modifies his environment to fulfill his growing need.

(ii)           Plants and animals depend on each other.

Ans :-     Plants give us food and in return animals release carbon dioxide which helps plants to make their food.

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