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Why Should You Take SSAT

Success = Smart Work X Conceptual Learning

This pan india scholarship test will help you identify and measure learning skills.

Guaranteed scholarship up to 100% for every student giving test.

Free registration for every student.

Online test No trouble of going to a test center.


Enroll in our short courses starting at Rs. 1 to get a competitive advantage



Learn the key techniques with Engineers & PhDs to ace your test


Ans- Class 6th-12th Grade students (studying in schools affiliated to any State(Only English medium), Central or International board) are eligible for the test.

It’s FREE ! 

Test pattern of SSAT-

  • Class 6th to 12th (CBSE,BSEB or any other state board (English medium))
  • Paper will contain two section (General science and General maths)
  • Total number of questions are 10.
  • All questions are objective with 4 options,only one of  which is correct.
  • Correct answers will awarded +4 marks and incorrect answer will be penalized with -1 marks.
  • The maximum time available to attempt the paper is 20 minutes.

Ans- Scholarship awarded to you can be availed only on the Full Year Courses for JEE, NEET, CBSE. You can avail the scholarships using the Coupon Codes shared with you through mail and SMS with your SSAT 2022 Result.

Ans- No, SSAT is an Online Test. You will be able to attempt the SSAT from any state of the India and on any device – Laptop / Desktop / Tablet/Smartphones.

Ans- Although, questions are designed in a way that googling won’t help, but tab switching or navigation to other applications is not allowed during the test. The test will automatically end if someone tries to do that.


1.Do not exit ‘Full Screen’ mode while Test is running – it will end the test.

2.Do not press ESC while Test is running – it will end the test.

3.Alt+TAB or switching Applications is strictly prohibited – it will end the test.

4.Please assure your device health and Internet connection, before the test starts.

5.Do not change the device or browser while Test is running – it will end the test.

Ans- Please call or email us at in case your queries are not answered here. We will be glad to help you as soon as possible.